Steps Prior to Acquiring Hearing Aids
Submit to a private audiogram
1. Call us to make an appointment for an audiogram
We will schedule an appointment for an audiogram, which will be done by an audiologist certified in Quebec, as well as a follow-up with a hearing care professional. Everything will be done in one visit.
2. Consult an ENT(otolaryngologist)
If necessary, a customer service representative can give you an appointment with an ENT specialized physician.
You will obtain:
- A medical certificate that will confirm your condition.
To Obtain an Audiogram Covered by Medicare:
1. Visit your family physician or come see us
Your physician is the one who will refer to an ENT (otolaryngologist) if they notice any signs of hearing loss.
2. Consult an ENT(otolaryngologist)
You will obtain:
- A medical certificate that will confirm your condition.
- A reference for an audiogram (auditory test).
- The audiogram will be done at the hospital (covered by Medicare).
3. Audiogram
Once the appointment for the audiogram has been taken, call us at MARK & LACHANCE (514) 931-4555 to make an appointment.
Note : with your consent, your results can be faxed to us (514-931-8012) by the establishment that carries out the audiogram, otherwise you must send us a copy prior to your appointment at our clinic.
Regardless of the steps you take, if you have any questions or if you wish to have a private audiogram (fees will apply), feel free to call us, we will be happy to assist you.