4479 Ste-Catherine Ouest
Westmount, H3Z 1R6

Today Tuesday
open until 5pm

Tel: (514) 931-4555
Fax: (514) 931-8012


Personalized service of audioprothesist and audiologyPersonalized service of audioprothesist and audiology

Health Care Paying Agencies


Covers two (2) hearing aids if you are eligible (according to your audiogram) AND you:

  • Work;
  • Study;
  • Are under the age of 18;
  • Have a visual impairment, as defined by government legislation.

Covers only one hearing aid if you are eligible (according to your audiogram) and if you are unemployed or retired.

For more details: consult the RAMQ


Applies to workers whose hearing impairment has been caused by noise exposure in the course of their work. Covers two (2) hearing aids if you are eligible (according to your audiogram).

  • Also covers some accessories, such as batteries.

For more details: consult the CNESST


You will need to have your veterans card in your possession. We will be able to tell you that you are covered if you need hearing aids.

  • Normally covers two (2) hearing aids.
  • Covers the batteries.

For more details: consult Veterans Affairs Canada

Your hearing care professional will inform you of your eligibility to any of these programs. If you are not eligible to any of these programs, some private insurance may cover a portion of the cost of hearing aids. It is best to check with your insurer. To purchase hearing aids, it is compulsary to have a recommandation from an audiologist or a physician.